Friday, September 15, 2006

You should really take a look....

Friday, September 01, 2006

Schumacher Legacy...

Promoting Human Scale Sustainable Development
"The emergence of ever remoter structures of political governance and corporate power has been an overwhelming trend in recent years. Economic globalisation has expanded everywhere to the detriment of local democratic self-determination. Local ecosystems, economies and communities have been gravely undermined by these trends. Even sustainable development, a concept that has become prominent in recent years, has tended to ignore the concerns of people in their neighbourhoods and communities.
Schumacher UK exists to challenge such developments and to propose alternatives. It provides a unique forum for promoting human scale solutions to the social and environmental problems facing us. We seek to address the growing unease many people feel about the global economic and political structures over which they have little control.
It is apparent that many people are seeking human scale solutions for themselves and their communities. Schumacher UK is named after economist and philosopher Dr. E.F. Schumacher, author of 'Small is Beautiful', 'The Guide for the Perplexed', 'Good Work' and 'This I Believe'.
Schumacher is widely acknowledged as the originator of many concepts on the theory and practice of sustainable development. In the shadow of economic globalisation, an extraordinary variety of creative voices have emerged to challenge and reverse the dominant trends. It has been our purpose to identify and host leading edge thinkers and practitioners and to help amplify their voices.
Our primary function is to promote, generate and distribute concepts and processes that enable individuals and communities to take steps towards creating a sustainable future. Schumacher UK is above all else engaged in educational work.
Tangible expressions of this are the Schumacher Lectures, Schumacher Briefings, the Schumacher Book Service, Resurgence Magazine, Green Books Publishing House and Schumacher College.
The Society is based at the Create Centre in Bristol. It is non-profit-making: any surplus revenues are used to further the aims of Schumacher UK. For much of our work we have been relying on voluntary help. Schumacher UK and six other Schumacher-inspired organisations form the Schumacher Circle: Intermediate Technology Development Group, the Soil Association, the New Economics Foundation, Schumacher College, Green Books, the Centre for Alternative Technology and Resurgence Magazine".