Friday, January 09, 2009

The Choice is - Choiceless Awareness

Life is a battle between Light and Dark (said a friend of the Shadow Hunter). In which side do you decide to be? In which side do you really want to live in any given moment?
Life is made of Polarities (Osho). All in One.
Life has a Meaning/Value in itself.
From your mind to your heart, from your mind to your center, let it flow, let something or someone guide your writings, your thoughts, feelings, words and actions/non actions.
In life, you appear to have to make so many different choices at every unique moment but, have you stop to realize that if you listen to your body, your heart, your center, the path, the awareness is there. The river is there for you to flow in it, there is no need to fight against it, enjoy the process, the path - Choiceless Awareness - merge yourself into Existence.
Integrity is the path, Truth and Authenticity are the way, the Present is the time. To respect your Inner Voice is the way, in any given moment.
No constrains, No obsessions, No attachments, open yourself to life and all their energies and forces, realize how little (a drop in Existence), unique and precious you are.
Laugh of your Ego, Free yourself from Futility and Nurture what never Dies.
Testify/Feel Life, the Present and Its Uniqueness.
Flow naturally in the natural chaos of Existence with your Inner Voice as the Guide.
Walk with Courage and Balance in the most Fascinating and Challenging Path (fall , get up and walk again).
Live, Accept, your Unique and Beautiful Life.
It´s your Freedom and Responsibility.


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